Personal commercial

Plans and prices for personal commercial use.

Please contact us with your budget for private commercial projects. If it looks interesting, we will do it for free, if it is too much trouble, we will not do it.

Commercial use is a request where money is generated by the medium in which this picture is used, such as a medium created by an individual, sold on the Internet, or a booklet for general distribution.

For social networking icons, personal events such as weddings, and offline coterie events such as booklets (which are not expected to be profitable), please make a request for personal non-commercial use. Please contact us.

Production Procedure

Please send your request to with the information you would like to provide below.

(1) I will respond to your request within 3 days at the latest.


(2) After the request is confirmed, we will discuss the request through a call or chat, please let us know if you have a designated chat software such as Discord.


(3) Please provide the next following "Information we need from you" as you are able.

Information to be provided


・Purpose of use

・What we look for in a artwork

・Image Size

・Deadline for works.

■【if possible】 

・A group of images that are close to the image you are looking for.

・My past paintings that are close to the image you are looking for.

If you can provide these, it will be easier to meet your request. I can show you my past Work from PIXIV , instagram etc.

Production Period

Two weeks for a single person.

One month for backgrounds.

For color, it takes twice as long.

Submission of rough images

I will submit 4 rough images according to your request.

Please choose one of them.

If you want to add more rough images, I will do so for 50 US$ per rough image.

I will submit a progress report until completion.

If you have any requests, please let us know. We will do our best to accommodate your requests.

(We will not be able to respond to your request if the scale of the work is small, if the production period is short, or if we do not receive a reply.

You can request a correction of the image once for the completed image.

If you wish to make additional corrections, the fee will be 50US$ per correction.

Submission of completed work

We will submit your progress to you during the completion of the project.

Please let us know if you have any requests there. We will do our best to accommodate your requests.

(We will not be able to respond to your request if the size of the work is small, if the production period is short, or if you do not receive a reply.

You may request up to one correction to the completed image.

Payment Method

Paypal,  and SBI remmit Bank are supported.

Bank transfer fees are to be borne by the client.

The production process will be on video distribution services (Youtube, Twitch, Nico Nico Douga, etc.). Please understand that we are not responsible for the quality of the video.

Request Examples

Client: Proxi

Purpose of use:Cover image for a music album & cover image for a cassette tape

Picture Content:Picture based on the world of music

Image size: Any size that fits the purpose of use.


I would like to commission a cover image for a music album created by the client. We would like the image to match the world of the music. The specific form of the picture is completely up to us. However, we would like the picture to be in line with the worldview we present.

Budget:  600 US$

World view of the music album presented by the client

(This album) Outline of SATURDAYS

(Old Structura from "SEVEN" (the previous album), a view of the city where Baron Doyo (Doyo-sama) resides. The Baron Doyosama is based on the motif of Voodoo's Lwa (Roa), and is an entity that interferes with urban infrastructure, human encounters and partings, and death.

The city is overrun by monsters that pollute time and space.

The image is medieval Japan + the far future.

Baron Doyosama" is the totality of the city management AI inherent in the infrastructure.

Several decades have passed since the interface was lost. It can materialize if necessary.


n034 Quiz Monster Qu Terror

 A villain has emerged to pollute space-time.

n036 You-san Darling

 You-san" is a daytime light. He wanders around town. At home, his wife is jealous of him.

n035 Planck Agent

 The Planck Agent raids the hideout of a mysterious man. Although deeply wounded, he eliminated the leader and hunted down the rest of his minions.

However, in the blink of an eye, the gang of villains fled.

n037 cruising route Traveling Salesman

 The "Traveling Salesman," an automated machine, continues to scan the distortions of space-time as it travels around the city.

It found an unnatural space-time seam around an abandoned amusement park and sent out a signal.

n038 Ruined Playland

 Decades have passed since the "playground," once a symbol of reconstruction, was abandoned.

n039 Remnants of Qu

 A gang of monsters escaped at the last minute and are hiding in a subspace connected to the ruins of the playground.

The remnants vowed to revive their organization on the other side of the disconnected space-time.

n041 0099 star Meteor

 The orbiting 0099 star received a priority call from a "traveling salesman" and began its descent toward the coordinates of the source of the call.


Baron Saturday

Doyosama" is about to wake up. No one knows what this town really is.


In the production meeting, Proxi suggested that it would be better if we could meet them in person. Proxi suggested that we meet in person. Since I had requested either of our houses as a meeting place, we held the meeting at my house.

We had a two-hour meeting, with the above world view and the current music album data provided.

Based on these considerations, six types of patterns are presented







Proxi selected candidate 5.

Consult with Proxi about the direction of saturation and lightness/darkness.

In addition, discuss shades

Consult background lighting, character lighting, and atmosphere.

After that, various adjustments were made.


Submit the image on the left. Ask them to suggest revisions.

Since there were none, the image is now complete.

These exchanges were done via eMail. In addition, transfers were made via PayPal. Please let us know if you have a specific platform.

Click here to purchase and listen to Proxima Girl  album.


Scope of use of copyrighted material.

You may use our creations an unlimited number of times for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. In such cases, please give credit where credit is due.

Copyrights are not transferable.